Getting Here

Getting to Resaca de la Palma State Park in Brownsville, TX was what seemed like a long trip, especially pulling The Flying Lady, my 2019 R-Pod 180 camper. I left December 2nd, the day after we got 18 inches of heavy, wet snow on top of the 5 inches we already had. This snow was a record breaking snow for most of the UP, especially Gladstone and Escanaba.

Dan, our exceptional plow person did come and plow once on Saturday during the storm and then again. He plowed out the camper parking space so I could get out. After the snow stopped I was able to get some snow off the trailer with a ski pole. I didn’t think it safe to take a step ladder out to the trailer to climb up and knock snow off it . I removed the chocks which required a piece of wood and rubber mallet borrowed from David’s shop. David dug around the trailer so I could hook up, roll back off the lynx levers, pick up the wood under the tires so they didn’t freeze to the ground, and off I went down the driveway, widening it with my trailer tires.

I didn’t take any pictures on the way down as I stayed in motels. First was Janesville, WI then Collinsville, IL just north of St Louis, then Searcy, Arkansas, McKinney TX just north of Dallas, then New Braunfels, TX north of San Antonio, TX. I stayed in Falcon State Park on Falcon Lake, which is on a lake behind the Falcon Dam on the Rio Grande River.

Once at Falcon the 7th I rested and took some pictures you’ll see on this page. Monday the 9th I had the camper summerized and washed and went back to Falcon. I left for Resaca de la Palma State Park and World Birding Center on Wednesday the 11th. Today was my first day of volunteering here. I will be here through April, 2020.

The weather has bee sunny since I left Escanaba. Down here in Texas where I couldn’t go much further south or I’d be in Mexico. The days have varried from the high 50’s to the 80’s Nights have been from the high 40’s to the mid 60’s.

More about my volunteering once I know more and, of course, more photos, hopefully on Mondays or Tuesdays every other week.

Getting to Resaca de la Palma State Park, Brownsville, TX