Some Birds, Critters, and Flora seen at Four World Birding Centers Near Brownsville, TX

Over the last two weeks I have visited three more World Birding Centers. 

First, Sable Palms, which is down a seemingly single lane road, past a wall that’s been here long before “The Wall” and the Border Patrol vehicle.  It is rather small, but interesting, with tall sable palms, a board walk, and similar landscape to Resaca de la Palma. 

Next was the World Birding and Nature Center on South San Padre Island.  There is only a board walk there which goes out through the sea brush to the ocean and back.  There were several birds there I’d not seen before.  Among these was the black bellied whistling duck, a bird I thought I’d recognize immediately.  No, it took me a while to realize that strange duck was the one, I thought I’d know by sight. 

Last was Bentsen-Rio Grande Valley State Park.  This is a park where one can not even drive in. The paths are wide and well maintained.  The bird blinds were very nice, with lots of birds similar to those at Resaca de la Palma.

I hope you enjoy seeing these beautiful birds.